Ever since I began seeing duck tape mannequins it has been on my bucket list and finally got around to it when great, granddaughter, Hannah, started designing her own clothing. Making one with her was a hoot and she used it a day or so after we completed Belle [her mannequin's name] that was a big help in making a skirt that Hannah wore to school the next day.
Here's Hannah wearing the skirt she made with Belle-her duck tape body double.
Here is an article I wrote for Cheap Eats Thrifty Crafts about Hannah's mannequin that shows our process. The editor loved the photos of us. My camera takes photos as it rolls-ah, the marvel of modern technology.
We had a fun time making the mannequin. Only took one evening to do and cost about $7. Of course, one for me would have been a bit more-lol. The article includes instructions for the stand and mannequin and is a whole lot cheaper than having to purchase one.
I also had the camera running as we worked-here links to our video if you have time to check it out:
Thanks for joining us here, I hope you enjoy crafting as much as I do
Carolyn Wainscott